Thinking of the best siding options to use for your home? Then think stucco sidings. Despite stucco’s durability, long-lasting performance, and aesthetic value, this does not mean that your exterior won’t have any issues. So, how do you know when it’s time for stucco restoration and repair works? One way to go about this is by learning some of the most common stucco problems.

It is impossible to protect your stucco home if you overlook certain warning signs. Many times, property owners are unaware of these problems. And since you can’t see any damage on the outside, it is easy to assume that your property’s structural integrity is intact. But deep down inside the walls lies a big problem.

Stucco problems are plentiful. The most common problems include caulking, discoloration, and moisture issues. Some of these issues will need immediate stucco restoration and repair work to prevent even more complex issues.

Moisture Issues

If you are experiencing moisture issues on your stucco, there are certain signs to look out for. First, look for missing chips or chunks of stucco. If you find these signs, then you can be sure there are moisture problems underneath.

Does your stucco look damp? This is yet another sign that you have moisture problems in the home. After a rainstorm, it is not unusual for your stucco to get wet. But if this wetness continues after days have passed, then you most likely have moisture intrusion issues.

When installing a new stucco. Professional contractors will always add a drainage system underneath the walls to prevent water intrusion. If your drainage system is faulty, it can result in water leakage through the walls. This causes cracks and bubbles along the affected wall parts.

Fix all moisture and water intrusion issues in the home to protect your stucco.

Stucco Extending Below Grade

Stucco extending below where the foundation meets the ground is something to worry about. This is wrong because there should be at least two inches to allow proper drainage for the stucco.

Any home’s stucco that extends below grade will experience moisture issues, resulting in mold growth and rotting.

If you don’t pay close attention to detail, it might be difficult to detect this problem. It is thus important to reach out to an expert in stucco restoration to inspect your stucco for this issue.

Caulking Issues

Caulking serves as a sealant, found mostly around the trims of windows and doors. It is used to keep the home moisture free and prevent leakage. Over time, caulk can shrink or dry up. When this happens, it can lead to water intrusion.

It is thus important to keep your caulking in great condition to prevent any form of moisture intrusion.

Regardless of the type of stucco siding finishes, you have installed in your home, none is immune to damage. Exposure to the elements like sun and wind can cause damage to your stucco. Also, it can also get damaged from internal sources.

It doesn’t matter the condition your stucco is in at the moment, it is better to stay prepared for when something comes up.

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